Looking at the way we cultivate our thoughts goes a long way in telling us about the objects we glimpse in sights and the interpretation we give to them in our minds.
This also relatively reveals that the affection of our sights are quite different from the experience it takes by the impressions it acquired and thereafter interprets.
Therefore, the corresponding points of acceptance on interest and the contents of the contradictions in between to its disagreement happens to be two factors that disturbs the process of reaching attractive attainment.
Once we begin to understand in the beginning that the things we see physically and the way we so define them in our minds are not always the same and true then the willingness to surely comprehend the fact that our commitment to the things we see physically are not concluded without having the ability and opportunity to go through the window of our minds in the way we feel ourselves through the things that express themselves physically in actuality.
The moment you come to terms with yourself after contemplating and considering the possibility of what had been received physically and then integrate them imaginatively in the mind wherefore it becomes the available reality of the decision consented and attributed to the end-state it acquired from the object thus far, then becomes the things we feel within and remains inside of us based on the consciousness of the physicality it initially explained and expressed.
Oftentimes we tend to confuse ourselves with the intentions of a given physicality and the contents of our minds guided actuality such that the overall impact and value becomes altered.
The mind is the center of thought and the transmission of feelings and expressions unto actionable refined transformation of imaginations, be it appearance or abstraction as we see with the front layer of our eyeballs and imagine with the back layer of our eyeballs where the fountain concept of what holds rests on the things we feel within.