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The Consistency Of Finding The Unknown

Writer's picture: Ernest OworodoErnest Oworodo

What you do today is the absolute reality of your future, there is no future other than that, whereas the future you think of does not exist because your future is now.

Direct your thoughts to relate with the present moment and resume into unfolding the unfamiliar within you which in turn turns the essence and the source you perceive as the future into your predicted reality based on the consistency of pragmatic projections.

Make do with the impact of your experience for it is the only reality you have and stop thinking about the none existence void that remains absence in the actual present in a world that is full of activities and performances.

Reality is what you experience with your mind and body through perseverance and attention within the space of your conscious environment in practical progression and the connection with the past and the prestigious present where the future auction in the uncertain oblivion as a none existence entity.

It remains slashed to think of the shattered of numerous causation environment, in a world of same functional variables of energy to pacify the control of what is not to that which is.

Life is in accurate series of moments and every moment defines a culture of acceptance or rejection. There is a plug to everything that exists and that plug fuses the process of creating a continuation or release a disconnect intermittently.

Our moments of concentration are the unit of our measurement considering what it becomes of us to know the content of the intents it possesses and how we sail through it.

The unknown is the source of human problems. Man should have just allowed nature to direct rather than questioning by trial and error and thereby create further problems through which a different realm of pursuit to finding solutions evolves.

The appearance of the past, the present and the future lives together. Suffering and hardship clears and reveals the dark part of the things that are blind to us and further puts us in the path of morality and righteousness.

This is why suffering will prevail on earth because its correctional means to assist human beings to see the light of goodness as the only way to understanding the prestigious present reality remains inevitable.

Goodwill is the key solution to reduce suffering and reveal the hidden unknown realities in the actual present for which we tend to experience life’s givens blissfully. As goodness remains a way of life that the majority of mankind lacks its culture in a world that is presently full of selfishness and hypocrisy.

The true issues of life are embedded in the things that are hidden and unknown to us such that we actively seek to try to break the barriers shadowing the reality we imagined in the hidden unknown which then reflect our struggles for survival through self-inflicted created findings to live happily when our actual happiness is in our immediate present.

Humans in the course of existence have turned into different species other than how they are created and ought to progress by the tide of practical happenings through the present realities which then molds and attract the underlying unknown into the immediate present as a matter of motivated motion via acceptance.

If only man will understand the beginning in relation to their unique revealed immediate prestigious present, they will grow into the activities of the present reality which includes in itself evidence of the hidden quest they seek to discover and recover in the place of gratitude and total tranquility of the mind in that the tale they unconsciously created as the perceived world they desire to dwell will forever remain void.

Therefore, in other to foster and exists purely and properly, it is believed that we as a matter of fact shun all forms of disturbances by the impressions revealed to us through physical appearance which afterwards impress our ideal focus in a concentrated deception.

The truth remains that worry takes away the true essence of our real being where everything we crave for and need actually wouldn't be ours both the things we claim ownership to, because in the real sense, men are created to live and not to acquire.

Certainly, human beings are full of confusion and inconsistencies such that their stories and articulations reveals their moments as sourcing and hoping.

The conditioned contradictions that occurs in the day to day affairs of living and acceptance with recourse in trying to understand the tide of the practical experiences engulfed upon them naturally goes to explain why humans live in continuous optimism as a source of energy.

This constant resultant to hold on to the things they reconcile with afterwards in disagreement through experience and thought examinations takes them to a place of difficulty and discomforts.

Also it's fancy and fantasy establish the situations from the analysis of concepts originally organized by the impressions they received from societal antecedents.

Wherefore unravel themselves and search for their best essence such that they are led to believe and fall into the temptation of making use of their fellow humans as tools to crave for their fancies by dehumanizing them.

Those who fall within the group of devaluating and dehumanizing their fellow beings have lost the sanity of hope therein and consequently unconsciously perform the ritual of self-torture and incompleteness because it's a vain and invalid existence as mortals to live in the glory of the fall of others in a coexisting world of becoming and happenings.

Most interestingly is the power of natural occurrence in that whatsoever goes in, folds in for the sake of its purpose and actualization.

The world is a place of giving and receiving., once your input is on the increase level, it will surely and most definitely define your output.

The bone of contention now is the product in which you deliver and to whom it was delivered to and for what purpose was it delivered? Quite frankly, it is in its fullest condition that the reality we accept springs fought through which we smile or cry and become sad or happy by the presentations we so made.

Life is a conscious background, once you refuse to make consciousness a duty for living especially as an adult, the turnaround effects will lead to depression and psychopathic suffering.

The existence of growing entities is governed by the ticking of a clock called time which remains a testament for manifestation and judgment.

The details of time tend to take away the advantages and the consciousness of the present moments into a place of forgetfulness and thoughtlessness.

It is achievable to maintain a positive attitude irrespective of the offers rendered by the misgivings of life and perhaps making it a point of call to get to know each moments by the consciousness it reveals in other to reduce the inconsistencies and the contents of the contradictions and confusions in between.

See yourself changing the perspective and picture others following your path of direction as a pacifier. There is nothing that you are looking for that you don't have, and there is nothing that you have that you want., it's all about self-realization and true consciousness that reveals the moments we are actively into to balance natural occasions and life's motioned occurrences.

It is in this state of mind that we ultimately depend upon the impact and the degree of care and recognition of our true selves in the mood that we unfold the unfamiliar situations into familiarizing ourselves in the moments of happenings and living with the values it renders in us consistently for a more manifesting successful glorious future as I also do so hope.


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